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Encontré un problema con Friendica, no funcionaban las búsquedas. Pero ya lo arreglé.
Si alcanzó a sufrir el problema, disculpe las molestias.
Unknown parent

@Sack recomiendo que me avises cuando puedas si encuentras un problema, para tomar acción más rápido. Vi el problema recién hoy.

Friendica actualizado a 2024.03

#help #friendica #yunohost

Thanks to yuno I managed to install friendica, version 2023.05~ynh3 and everything seemed fine.

I was able to create the administrative user.

At first I encountered 2 problems:
1) in the domain address appears the character / at the end and I don't know how to remove this.

2) at the moment I receive updates only from contacts created from RSS, but not from other fediverse contacts.

For this second problem I have followed 2 guides:
- "Activating scheduled tasks"

Unfortunately I still do not receive messages from my contacts.

What should I look for and how can I solve these problems?

cc @Friendica Support

in reply to johnada

Dear !Friendica Support

And finally the solution came to me: Friendica's packager for Yunohost released a new version that fixes the problem.

yunohost app upgrade friendica -u

After making a failed backup from my account (and losing all that data) I applied the update and both problems disappeared.

Buenos días gente de tusky/Mastodon ✨
últimamente estuve viendo muchos canales de manualidades en You Tube.
Especialmente los que utilizan materiales caseros como papel o cartón y hacen mecanismos pop up

algunos destacados que vi son:

mercedes conde nogueras :

muchos videos de tarjetas para festividades y demás ideas para hacer en canal en español

Laura Dovalo

videos en inglés sobre tarjetas y pop up

y por ultimo un genio con los vasos de papel y otro tipo de cosas


un japonès muy habilidoso

¿conocen mas gente de este tipo para recomendar?
si sabes de mas gente para recomendar dejarlo aqui abajo
#manualidades #papercraft #ingeneriapapel
#artesanias #ingenio

mupp reshared this.

En un paso mas en la guerra comercial y tecnologica que le ha declarado el grupo de los paises Imperialistas (encabezados, dirigidos y controlados por Los Esclavos Unidos, #EEUU), todo lo que huella a #China esta siendo purgado.
El ministerio de Telecomunicaciones de #Alemania ha ordenado a #Telekom que retire absolutamente todo dispositivo, repuesto y tornillo "engineering by #Huawei" y esto se traduce en que la gigante alemana de las telecomunicaciones tiene un plazo de 2 años para retirar todas las antenas 5G y las de telefonia que habia adquirido e instalado.
De acuerdo a investigaciones tecnicas internas de la propia Telekom, todos estos dispositivos tienen el mismo caracter que los tornillos, es decir que seria imposible que se pudieran usar para otros fines diferentes al que se fabricaron (fuente: DPVKOM, Sindicato de trabajadores de las Telecomunicaciones). Con estas palabras, dejan claro que la decision del Gobierno es politica y no tiene respaldo cientifico, ni prueba alguna.
Esto viene a demostrar -una vez mas- que la cuestion del bloqueo que se esta levantando y las divisiones instaladas NO son una practica anormal de las potencias imperialistas, cuando se trata de castigar a cualquier pais que ose, incluso bajo las mismas injustas reglas del capitalismo reinante, competir con ellos y que les ganen en el mismo terreno.
Esto ya esta teniendo consecuencias paralelas muy interesantes:
- la industria de la #propaganda nos viene alimentando con ingentes cantidades de "noticias y reportajes" sobre las injustas practicas en las empresas chinas y la politica, mientras evitan y silencian los temas que en igual o aun peor medida afectan a las propias empresas occidentales (ej. Nestle, CocaCola, Unilever, Shell, solo por nombrar a algunas)
- las medidas anti-chinas se vienen levantando sin vergüenza y abiertamente: ej. Francia ya anuncio que todos los fabricantes de vehiculos de nuevas energias (a excepcion de los chinos) podran acceder a las subvenciones y Alemania e Italia ya anunciaron acciones similares

Asi las cosas, el unico factor que jugara un rol central en el futuro cercano respecto de esta guerra sera el comportamiento de los mercados fuera de los imperialistas, que actualmente han crecido y van tomando cada vez mas un papel mas importante. Hoy China ya es el principal socio de America Latina, Africa y Asia, las zonas con mayor crecimiento mundial.

reshared this

No hay suerte

Con #yunohost consegui levantar una instancia personal de #pleroma ( #akkoma ) para unirme al #fediverso desde mi casa, en una #raspi v3, sin absolutamente NINGUN otro añadido.

Aun asi, no hay suerte. Cada dia tengo que reiniciar la raspi, porque simplemente se queda congelada.

Y me pregunto si se puede hacer algo para cambiar esta situacion. O quisas mejor invierto en un viejo y pequeño ordenador (que usados los he visto en 100€, thinkpad) para usarlo con yunohost.

🄻 🅂 🄳 reshared this.

Unknown parent

@Zicoxy3 - gracias por la info.
Ya compre un laptom lenovo viejito y el fin de semana espero poder haber transferido todo desde la raspi.


En lo personal no sabia que la "ley de secreto bancario suizo" fuera el resultado tanto del lobbyismo de los mas ricos por esconder sus capitales de las garras de las instituciones tributarias de sus paises, como tambien de una cierta leyenda relacionada a la proteccion de las riquezas judias contra la avaricia del Estado Aleman bajo Hitler.

De acuerdo a la gestacion de esta regulacion se inicio basicamente una vez las oficinas tributarias alemanas comenzaron a perseguir a quienes no querian pagar impuestos a inicios del 33, pero que poco despues se reforzo gracias a la naciente dictadura #nazi

Y todo de cara a las supuestamente feroces discusiones que se venian dando en el congreso de Los Esclavos Unidos, principal interesado en que los capitales no salieran de sus fronteras.

No tengo los datos a la mano, pero si leemos veremos que son justamente los que se autodenominan paladines de la #justicia, quienes fueron los primeros en levantar los primeros paraisos fiscales de la era moderna.

Los Esclavos Unidos se caraterizan por ofrecer decenas de lugares donde las leyes son muy poco transparentes y permiten la creacion de cuentas en la oscuridad o empresas de papel que o no pagan impuestos o pagan realmente una miseria.

La Gran Bretaña tambien se sumo a esta tendencia, creando un marco juridico a favor de la evasion de impuesto y la instauracion de los llamados "buzones de papel", que despues saldrian a la palestra mundialmente en los "papeles de Panama".

Suiza solo habria coronado lo anterior con su legislacion a favor del "secreto bancario" para asi darle el vamos a cuanto Estado, pais o territorio a la hora de ofrecer mas y mejores condiciones a quienes buscaban esconder cuantiosos capitales fuera del radar de las oficinas tributarias locales.

Una cuestion en este tema es trascendental y es basicamente que ninguna ley anti-paraisos fiscales sera suficiente mientras la falta de #transparencia sea la norma que domine esta cuestion.

Lo que #wikileaks en palabras de #FreeAssange dijo, son justamente lo que probablemente lo llevo a la persecucion, encierro y el sufrimiento de torturas de por vida:

"Transparencia para los poderosos (de arriba), #privacidad para los de abajo (debiles)"

Es interesante ver, como los paises que SI tienen el poder de introducir cambios reales, prefieren continuar por el camino que hasta ahora se ha levantado: Saquear y destruir el medio ambiente con tal de no perder un centimetro de poder.

Introducir medidas como "estandarizar el cable USB u ofrecer un subsidio para reparar (una cantidad limitadade) aparatos electronicos" es la tonica con que nos venden su discurso los lideres de los mas poderosos paises del mundo.

Y despues se enfurecen, cuando paises del sur global se descuelgan de sus lineamientos para buscar construir sus propios objetivos de futuro.

Al parecer a #aliexpress y #amazon le salio competencia con caracteristicas mejoradas en compras por internet: #Temu

Feliz año nuevo alocado 2024

Al adentrarnos en el espléndido baile que es el Año Nuevo, permitidme extender mis más distinguidos y jocosos deseos. Que el 2024 sea como un mayordomo en patines: sorprendentemente ágil y lleno de inesperadas piruetas.
Que cada nuevo desafío sea tan agradable como elegir el adorno perfecto para nuestro sombrero imaginario. Que la felicidad nos encuentre con la frecuencia de un buen chiste en una charla distendida, y que cada día nos ofrezca oportunidades tan brillantes como un diamante en una tienda de segunda mano. Brindemos, con una copa imaginaria de la más fina broma, por un año lleno de sonrisas, saludos cordiales y esa satisfactoria sensación de ponernos calcetines recién lavados. ¡Un brindis por un 2024 que sea tan inesperadamente maravilloso como encontrar el elixir de la eterna juventud en un vaso de agua! Feliz Año Nuevo, con un guiño cómplice a las sorpresas que nos aguardan. 🎩🍵🎉
Unknown parent

@Isaac (Sack) gracias igualmente creo que ya le pille el truco

Alguna gente es como:
Lo importante es sentirse cómodo en tu ropa 😀

... No así no, esa no te queda bien

Bah, ahora disroot tiene Lemmy también, a ver como les va con la moderación...
in reply to skrlet13

El que modera es el mismo usuario, en principio, luego si hay alguna comunidad que no esta acorde con el manifiesto de disroot se le pedirá que cambio, o se lo elimina.

El único uso piola que he visto de AI ha sido con Vocaloid/Synth V y similares, ya que se entrena con la voz de le proveedore de voz que ya dió su consentimiento explícito.

Menstruación en Nochebuena, genial ¬¬

Primero Viejito Pascuero
Cuando te enteras que no existe Viejo CTM

Hola, actualicé friendica a 2023.12 pero viene con un bug para las imagenes de perfil y no funciona subir imagenes, veré que puedo hacer

Admin reshared this.

in reply to skrlet13

Al parecer la actualización de una dependencia por parte de un addon de friendica causó el problema. Por mientras hice rollback a esa versión del addon y ahora funciona. Saludos

Admin reshared this.

Unknown parent

Muchas gracias, que lo pasen bien también

Chilemasto firmó el pacto de no federar con Facebook Meta

Lux reshared this.

in reply to skrlet13

Felicitaciones, creo es importante NO darle lugar a esas redes, sino van a tapar el timeline rápidamente con toda su basura..

Tennessee Tech's research will impact hundreds of businesses

"This is expected to include seven rural electric utilities, one energy tech startup, 60 electrical engineering firms and 400 freelance software developers. The work will impact 191 counties across Tennessee, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia."

"Students will experiment in a real-time simulated environment so electric utilities can provide cost-effective testing and solutions prior to the implementation."

In Unexpected Places: a music video

The cover for In Unexpected Places with the eyeball surrounded by 3 hearts

Today my girlfriend Vivi Langdon (EncryptedWhispers) and I released the music video In Unexpected Places, availableon YouTube andon PeerTube both. It's based off of Vivi's song by the same name, availableon BandCampand on Vivi's Funkwhale instance! It features some kind of retro video-game'y aesthetics but its story departs from what you might expect from that while leveraging that, more on this below.

Everything was made with Blender, including some hand-drawn effects using Blender's excellentGrease Pencil! The video is also an open movie project; you candownload the full .blend file, which is CC BY-SA 4.0, and play around with everything yourself. The eye rig is especially fun to control and the ships are too!

All in all this was project took about 6 months of "free time" (read: weekends, especially at Hack & Craft) to animate. I played the music over and over again until I had a good story to accompany it and then on a car trip I drewthe storyboardon a pile of index cards from the passenger seat while Morgan was driving, and when I got home I pulled up Blender quickly and timed everything with the storyboard. That storyboard was meant just for me, so it doesn't really lookparticularly good, but it convinced me that this was going to work, and thefinal animationmatches that hastily drawn storyboard very closely!

The title was Vivi's choosing and was selected after I storyboarded the video. It references the phrase "love is found in unexpected places" and references both the eye falling in love with the cube but also that this music video was made shortly after Vivi and I fell in love (which also happened in ways that felt surprising to be swept up into, in a good way), and a lot of the depth of our relationship grew during the half-year of making the video.

Some commentary about the narrative

You should watch the video yourself firstbefore reading this section to develop your own interpretation! But if you are interested in my interpretation as author of the animation and its script, here we go.

The video is a commentary about violence and the ways we are conditioned. Without having watched the entire narrative, having just seen clips of the "action sequences", this might look like a video game, and a viewer used to playing video games of the genre seen (of which I am exactly the type of person who both plays and makes games of this genre, including with these tropes) would be most likely to identify with and assume that the two ships which circle and attack the eye are the "heroes" of the piece. Of course, we can see from the comments here that most people are identifying with the eye, which was the intention. Which then puts the viewer at a seeming contradiction: identifying with the character they would normally be attacking.

Of course, villain-subversion tropes are hardly new, particularly within the last couple of decades. But here I wanted to do so without any written story or narrative. In particular, the question is to highlight social conditioning. If I play a game and I see an eyeball in space, I'm gonna want to shoot it! But what will you think the next time you see a floating eyeball in a video game and assume you're supposed to hurt it? The goal is to get you thinking about the way we are conditioned from small signals towards aggression and confrontation and to instead take a moment to try to approach from a point of empathy. That the eye falls in love with the cube at the beginning, and then when disabled or killed at the end is unable to "see" the cube it fell in love with, is meant to be a bridge to help the viewer along that journey. (The goal here is to less criticize video game violence and more the kinds of conditioning we experience in general, though you could use it to criticize that too if you like.)

Likewise, aside from the two ships that destroy the eye, there were two prior ships that also seemed to be aggressive against the eye. These are what I called the "scanner ships": they gather information on the eye, and they confuse and irritate it but not in terms of long term damage the way the "player ships" do, not directly. Instead what they are doing is gathering information to send the players, hence the "speech balloons with antennae on them". This is your briefing at the start of the level, telling you in Star Fox or whatever what your objective is. Their goal is to provide something "fun" for the players to attack and destroy so that they may level up. They represent the kind of media that we consume which pre-conditions us against empathy and towards aggression.

Of course, this is just one interpretation, and it is not the only valid one. I have heard some interesting interpretations about this video being about the way we are pushed into engagement driven consumption platforms and how it hurts us, and another about this being about the way we wake up within the world and have to struggle with what is thrown at us, and another which was just "whoa cool, videogames!", and all of those are valid.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy. As a side note: no sound effects were added to the music video, all of those were in the song. I shaped the story around the song... you could say that the story "grew" from the song. So amongst all the rest of the story above, the real goal was to deliver an experience. I hope you enjoyed it!

In Unexpected Places

The story of an eye that falls in love with a cube.

Music by EncryptedWhispers. Video created by Christine Lemmer-Webber in Blender with Grease Pencil!
Everything--the song and music video--is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

👁️ Support the artist by purchasing the song on Bandcamp: (use discount code "unexpected" and you can get it for 25¢ USD!)
👁️ You can also download the song in FLAC for free from the artist's FunkWhale:
👁️ Download the source file for the animation:

This music video is also on YouTube, if you're into that kind of thing:

Update for NGI Zero Entrust: GNS to DNS Migration and Zone Management

We are happy to announce that we have successfully completed two Milestones:

  • Milestone 2a: A GNS Registrar Backend.
  • Milestone 2b: A GNS Registrar Frontend.

The resulting code can be found in the usual place . There are no tarballs available for the time being. The component is built with simplicity and privacy in mind: There are no accounts required; we also refrained from using JavaScript for the front end (for now). This component effectively replaces the "first-come, first-served" GNS name registration service previously shipped as part of GNUnet. Hence the service at has been replaced. The registrar integrates with GNU Taler , allowing you to test both functionalities at the same time! Don't worry, you do not have to use actual money, as you can use the demo currency from the Taler demonstrator to register names for a relatively small portion of the play money you receive when you sign up there.

We encourage you to try it out now and register you own zone key. We plan to ship this zone in the default configuration of the upcoming GNUnet 0.21 release under the domain ".pin.gns.alt". Note that current releases are incompatible with GNUnet, and this also applies to the node connected to our registrar deployment.

Watch this space and the mailing list for updates!

This work is generously funded by NLnet as part of their NGI Zero Entrust Programme .

service update

Late last year I switched blog entries and comments to be written in a dialect of markdown, but there was a bug that I never noticed: if a text consisted only of a single paragraph or block, it would trigger an error that got reported back to the user in a very strange way, and which would prevent the comment from being posted.

I had never seen the error myself because blog posts are generally more than a paragraph, but it must have been quite irritating when commenting. Sorry about that; it should be fixed now. Should you experience more strange errors, please do send me an email with the comment to Cheers.

Empresas billonarias son como: "Donen y nosotros copiaremos sus donaciones 😀)" Dona por tu cuenta los billones que te sobran mejor. Al final quienes más dan apoyo son la gente que menos tiene.

sir talks-a-lot

I know, dear reader: of course you have already seen all my talks this year. Your attentions are really too kind and I thank you. But those other people, maybe you share one talk with them, and then they ask you for more, and you have to go stalking back through the archives to slake their nerd-thirst. This happens all the time, right?

I was thinking of you this morning and I said to myself, why don’t I put together a post linking to all of my talks in 2023, so that you can just send them a link; here we are. You are very welcome, it is really my pleasure.

2023 talks

Scheme + Wasm + GC = MVP: Hoot Scheme-to-Wasm compiler update. Wasm standards group, Munich, 11 Oct 2023.slides

Scheme to Wasm: Use and misuse of the GC proposal.Wasm GC subgroup, 18 Apr 2023.slides

A world to win: WebAssembly for the rest of us.BOB, Berlin, 17 Mar 2023.blogslidesyoutube

Cross-platform mobile UI: “Compilers, compilers everywhere”.EOSS, Prague, 27 June 2023.slidesyoutubeblogblogblogblogblogblog

CPS Soup: A functional intermediate language.Spritely, remote, 10 May 2023.blogslides

Whippet: A new GC for Guile.FOSDEM, Brussels, 4 Feb 2023.blogeventslides

but wait, there’s more

Still here? The full talks archive will surely fill your cup.

a simple hdr histogram

Good evening! This evening, a note on high-dynamic-range (HDR) histograms.


How should one record garbage collector pause times?

A few options present themselves: you could just record the total pause time. Or, also record the total number of collections, which allows you to compute the average. Maximum is easy enough, too. But then you might also want the median or the p90 or the p99, and these percentile values are more gnarly: you either need to record all the pause times, which can itself become a memory leak, or you need to approximate via a histogram.

Let’s assume that you decide on the histogram approach. How should you compute the bins? It would be nice to have microsecond accuracy on the small end, but if you bin by microsecond you could end up having millions of bins, which is not what you want. On the other end you might have multi-second GC pauses, and you definitely want to be able to record those values.

Consider, though, that it’s not so important to have microsecond precision for a 2-second pause. This points in a direction of wanting bins that are relatively close to each other, but whose absoluteseparation can vary depending on whether we are measuring microseconds or milliseconds. You want approximately uniform precision over a high dynamic range.

logarithmic binning

The basic observation is that you should be able to make a histogram that gives you, say, 3 significant figures on measured values. Such a histogram would count anything between 1230 and 1240 in the same bin, and similarly for 12300 and 12400. The gap between bins increases as the number of digits grows.

Of course computers prefer base-2 numbers over base-10, so let’s do that. Say we are measuring nanoseconds, and the maximum number of seconds we expect is 100 or so. There are about 230nanoseconds in a second, and 100 is a little less than 27, so that gives us a range of 37 bits. Let’s say we want a precision of 4 significant base-2 digits, or 4 bits; then we will have one set of 24 bins for 10-bit values, another for 11-bit values, and so-on, for a total of 37 × 24 bins, or 592 bins. If we use a 32-bit integer count per bin, such a histogram would be 2.5kB or so, which I think is acceptable.

Say you go to compute the bin for a value. Firstly, note that there are some values that do not have 4 significant bits: if you record a measurement of 1 nanosecond, presumably that is just 1 significant figure. These are like thedenormals in floating-point numbers. Let’s just say that recording a value val in [0, 24-1] goes to bin val.

If val is 24 or more, then we compute the major andminor components. The major component is the number of bits needed to represent val, minus the 4 precision bits. We can define it like this in C, assuming that val is a 64-bit value:
#define max_value_bits 37
#define precision 4
uint64_t major = 64ULL - __builtin_clzl(val) - precision;

The 64 - __builtin_clzl(val) gives us the ceiling of the base-2 logarithm of the value. And actually, to take into account the denormal case, we do this instead:
uint64_t major = val < (1ULL << precision)
? 0ULL
: 64ULL - __builtin_clzl(val) - precision;

Then to get the minor component, we right-shift val by major bits, unless it is a denormal, in which case the minor component is the value itself:
uint64_t minor = val < (1 << precision)
? val
: (val >> (major - 1ULL)) & ((1ULL << precision) - 1ULL);

Then the histogram bucket for a given value can be computed directly:
uint64_t idx = (major << precision) | minor;

Of course, we would prefer to bound our storage, hence the consideration about 37 total bits in 100 seconds of nanoseconds. So let’s do that, and record any out-of-bounds value in the special last bucket, indicating that we need to expand our histogram next time:
if (idx >= (max_value_bits << precision))
idx = max_value_bits << precision;

The histogram itself can then be defined simply as having enough buckets for all major and minor components in range, plus one for overflow:
struct histogram {
uint32_t buckets[(max_value_bits << precision) + 1];

Getting back the lower bound for a bucket is similarly simple, again with a case for denormals:
uint64_t major = idx >> precision;
uint64_t minor = idx & ((1ULL << precision) - 1ULL);
uint64_t min_val = major
? ((1ULL << precision) | minor) << (major - 1ULL)
: minor;

y u no library

How many lines of code does something need to be before you will include it as a library instead of re-implementing? If I am honest with myself, there is no such limit, as far as code goes at least: only a limit of time. I am happy to re-implement anything; time is my only enemy. But strategically speaking, time too is the fulcrum: if I can save time by re-implementing over integrating a library, I will certainly hack.

The canonical library in this domain isHdrHistogram. But even the C port is thousands of lines of code! A histogram should not take that much code! Hence this blog post today. I think what we have above is sufficient. HdrHistogram’s documentation speaks in terms of base-10 digits of precision, but that is easily translated to base-2 digits: if you want 0.1% precision, then in base-2 you’ll need 10 bits; no problem.

I should of course mention that HdrHistogram includes an API that compensates for coordinated omission, but I think such an API is straigtforward to build on top of the basics.

My code, for what it is worth, and which may indeed be buggy, is over here. But don’t re-use it: write your own. It could be much nicer in C++ or Rust, or any other language.

Finally, I would note that somehow this feels very basic; surely there is prior art? I feel like in 2003, Google would have had a better answer than today; alack. Pointers appreciated to other references, and if you find them, do tell me more about your search strategy, because mine is inadequate. Until then, gram you later!

v8's mark-sweep nursery

Today, a followup to yesterday’s note with some more details on V8’s new young-generation implementation, minor mark-sweep or MinorMS.

A caveat again: these observations are just from reading the code; I haven’t run these past the MinorMS authors yet, so any of these details might be misunderstandings.

The MinorMS nursery consists of pages, each of which is 256 kB, unless huge-page mode is on, in which case they are 2 MB. The total default size of the nursery is 72 MB by default, or 144 MB if pointer compression is off.

There can be multiple threads allocating into the nursery, but let’s focus on the main allocator, which is used on the main thread. Nursery allocation is bump-pointer, whether in a MinorMS page or scavenger semi-space. Bump-pointer regions are called linear allocation buffers, and often abbreviated as Labin the source, though the class isLinearAllocationArea.

If the current bump-pointer region is too small for the current allocation, the nursery implementation finds another one, or triggers a collection. For the MinorMS nursery, each page collects the set of allocatable spans in a free list; if the free-list is non-empty, it pops off one entry as the current and tries again.

Otherwise, MinorMS needs another page, and specifically a swept page: a page which has been visited since the last GC, and whose spans of unused memory have been collected into a free-list. There is a concurrent sweeping task which should usually run ahead of the mutator, but if there is no swept page available, the allocator might need to sweep some. This logic is inMainAllocator::RefillLabMain.

Finally, if all pages are swept and there’s no Lab big enough for the current allocation, we trigger collection from the roots. The initial roots are the remembered set: pointers from old objects to new objects. Most of the trace happens concurrently with the mutator; when the nursery utilisation rises over 90%, V8 will kick off concurrent marking tasks.

Then once the mutator actually runs out of space, it pauses, drains any pending marking work, marks conservative roots, then drains again. I am not sure whether MinorMS with conservative stack scanning visits the whole C/C++ stacks or whether it manages to install some barriers (i.e. “don’t scan deeper than 5 frames because we collected then, and so all older frames are older”); dunno. All of this logic is inMinorMarkSweepCollector::MarkLiveObjects.

Marking traces the object graph, setting object mark bits. It does not trace pages. However, the MinorMS space promotes in units of pages. So how to decide what pages to promote? The answer is that sweeping partitions the MinorMS pages into empty, recycled, aging, and promoted pages.

Empty pages have no surviving objects, and are very useful because they can be given back to the operating system if needed or shuffled around elsewhere in the system. If they are re-used for allocation, they do not need to be swept.

Recycled pages have some survivors, but not many; MinorMS keeps the page around for allocation in the next cycle, because it has enough empty space. By default, a page is recyclable if it has 50% or more free space after a minor collection, or 30% after a major collection. MinorMS also promotes a page eagerly if in the last cycle, we only managed to allocate into 30% or less of its empty space, probably due to fragmentation. These pages need to be swept before re-use.

Finally, MinorMS doesn’t let pages be recycled indefinitely: after 4 minor cycles, a page goes into the aging pool, in which it is kept unavailable for allocation for one cycle, but is not yet promoted. This allows any new allocations on that page in the previous cycle age out and probably die, preventing premature tenuring.

And that’s it. Next time, a note on a way in which generational collectors can run out of memory. Have a nice weekend, hackfolk!

the last 5 years of V8's garbage collector

Captain, status report: I’m down here in a Jeffries tube, poking at V8’s garbage collector. However, despite working on other areas of the project recently, V8 is now so large that it’s necessary to ignore whole subsystems when working on any given task. But now I’m looking at the GC in anger: what is its deal? What does V8’s GC even look like these days?

The last public article on the structure of V8’s garbage collector was in 2019; fine enough, but dated. Now in the evening of 2023 I think it could be useful to revisit it and try to summarize the changes since then. At least, it would have been useful to me had someone else written this article.

To my mind, work on V8’s GC has had three main goals over the last 5 years: improving interactions between the managed heap and C++, improving security, and increasing concurrency. Let’s visit these in turn.

C++ and GC

Building on the 2018 integration of the Oilpan tracing garbage collector into the Blink web engine, there was some refactoring to move the implementation of Oilpan into V8 itself. Oilpan is known internally as cppgc.

I find the cppgc name a bit annoying because I can never remember what it refers to, because of the other thing that has been happpening in C++ integration: a migration away from precise roots and instead towards conservative root-finding.

Some notes here: with conservative stack scanning, we can hope for better mutator throughput and fewer bugs. The throughput comes from not having to put all live pointers in memory; the compiler can keep them in registers, and avoid managing the HandleScope. You may be able to avoid the compile-time and space costs of stack maps (side tables telling the collector where the pointers are). There are also two classes of bug that we can avoid: holding on to a handle past the lifetime of a handlescope, and holding on to a raw pointer (instead of a handle) during a potential GC point.

Somewhat confusingly, it would seem that conservative stack scanning has garnered the acronym “CSS” inside V8. What does CSS have to do with GC?, I ask. I know the answer but my brain keeps asking the question.

In exchange for this goodness, conservative stack scanning means that because you can’t be sure that a word on the stack refers to an object and isn’t just a spicy integer, you can’t move objects that might be the target of a conservative root. And indeed the conservative edge might actually not point to the start of the object; it could be an interior pointer, which places additional constraints on the heap, that it be able to resolve internal pointers.


Which brings us to security and the admirable nihilism of the sandbox effort. The idea is that everything is terrible, so why not just assume that no word is safe and that an attacker can modify any word they can address. The only way to limit the scope of an attacker’s modifications is then to limit the address space. This happens firstly by pointer compression, which happily also has some delightful speed and throughput benefits. Then the pointer cage is placed within a larger cage, and off-heap data such as Wasm memories and array buffers go in that larger cage. Any neededexecutable codeor external objectis accessed indirectly, through dedicated tables.

However, this indirection comes with a cost of a proliferation in the number of spaces. In the beginning, there was just an evacuating newspace, a mark-compact oldspace, and a non-moving large object space. Now there are closer to 20 spaces: a separate code space, a space for read-only objects, a space fortrusted objects, a space for each kind of indirect descriptor used by the sandbox, in addition to spaces for objects that might be shared between threads, newspaces for many of the preceding kinds, and so on. From what I can see, managing this complexity has taken a significant effort. The result is pretty good to work with, but you pay for what you get. (Do you get security guarantees? I don’t know enough to say. Better pay some more to be sure.)

Finally, the C++ integration has also had an impact on the spaces structure, and with a security implication to boot. The thing is, conservative roots can’t be moved, but the original evacuating newspace required moveability. One can get around this restriction by pretenuring new allocations from C++ into the mark-compact space, but this would be a performance killer. The solution that V8 is going for is to use the block-structured mark-compact space that is already used for the old-space, but for new allocations. If an object is ever traced during a young-generation collection, its page will be promoted to the old generation, without copying. Originally called minor mark-compact or MinorMC in the commit logs, it was renamed to minor mark-sweep or MinorMS to indicate that it doesn’t actually compact. (V8’s mark-compact old-space doesn’t have to compact: V8 usually chooses to just mark in place. But we call it a mark-compact space because it has that capability.)

This last change is a performance hazard: yes, you keep the desirable bump-pointer allocation scheme for new allocations, but you lose on locality in the old generation, and the rate of promoted bytes will be higher than with the semi-space new-space. The only relief is that for a given new-space size, you can allocate twice as many objects, because you don’t need the copy reserve.

Why do I include this discussion in the security section? Well, becausemost MinorMS commits mention this locked bug. One day we’ll know, but not today. I speculate that evacuating is just too rich a bug farm, especially with concurrency and parallel mutators, and that never-moving collectors will have better security properties. But again, I don’t know for sure, and I prefer to preserve my ability to speculate rather than to ask for too many details.


Speaking of concurrency, ye gods, the last few years have been quite the ride I think. Every phase that can be done in parallel (multiple threads working together to perform GC work) is now fully parallel: semi-space evacuation, mark-space marking and compaction, and sweeping. Every phase that can be done concurrently (where the GC runs threads while the mutator is running) is concurrent: marking and sweeping. A major sweep task can run concurrently with an evacuating minor GC. And, V8 is preparing for multiple mutators running in parallel. It’s all a bit terrifying but again, with engineering investment and a huge farm of fuzzers, it seems to be a doable transition.

Concurrency and threads means that V8 has sprouted new schedulers: should a background task have incremental or concurrent marking? How many sweepers should a given isolate have? How should you pause concurrency when the engine needs to do something gnarly?

The latest in-progress work would appear to be concurrent marking of the new-space. I think we should expect this work to result in a lower overall pause-time, though I am curious also to learn more about the model: how precise is it? Does it allow a lot of slop to get promoted? It seems to have a black allocator, so there will be some slop, but perhaps it can avoid promotion for those pages. I don’t know yet.


Yeah, GCs, man. I find the move to a non-moving young generation is quite interesting and I wish the team luck as they whittle down the last sharp edges from the conservative-stack-scanning performance profile. The sandbox is pretty fun too. All good stuff and I look forward to spending a bit more time with it; engineering out.


A brief meta-note this morning: for the first time in 20 years, I finally got around to updating the web design recently and wanted to share a bit about that.

Back when I made the initial wingolog design, I was using the then-brand-new Wordpress, Internet Explorer 6 was the most common web browser, CSS wasn’t very good, the Safari browser had just made its first release, smartphones were yet to be invented, and everyone used low-resolution CRT screens. The original design did use CSS instead of tables, thankfully, but it was very narrow and left a lot up to the user agent (notably font choice and size).

These days you can do much better. Even HTML has moved on, with<article>and<aside>and<section>elements. CSS is powerful and interoperable, with grid layout and media queries and :has() and :is() and all kinds of fun selectors. And, we have web fonts.

I probably would have stuck with the old design if it were readable, but with pixel counts growing, the saturated red bands on the sides flooded the screen, leaving the reader feeling like they were driving into headlights in the rain.

Anyway, the new design is a bit more peaceful, I hope. Feedback welcome.

I’m using grid layout, but not in the way that I thought I would. From reading the documentation, I had the impression that the element withdisplay: grid would be a kind of flexible corkboard which could be filled up by any child element. However, that’s not quite true: it only works for direct children, which means your HTML does have to match the needs of the grid. Grandchildren can take their rows and columns from grandparents via subgrid, but only really display inside themselves: you can’t pop a grandkid out to a grandparent grid area. (Or maybe you can! It’s a powerful facility and I don’t claim to fully understand it.)

Also, as far as I can tell there is no provision to fill up one grid area with multiple children. Whereas I thought that on the root page, each blog entry would end up in its own grid area, that’s just not the case: you put the <main> (another new element!) in a grid area and let it lay out itself. Fine enough.

I would love to have proper side-notes, and I thought the grid would do something for me there, but it seems that I have to wait for CSS anchor positioning. Until then you can use position: absolute tricks, but side-notes may overlap unless the source article is careful.

For fonts, I dearly wanted proper fonts, but I was always scared of theflash of invisible text. It turns out that with font-display: swap you can guarantee that the user can read text if for some reason your fonts fail to load, at the cost of a later layout shift when the fonts come in. At first I tried Bitstream Charter for the body typeface, but I was unable to nicely mix it with Fira Mono without line-heights getting all wonky: a <code> tag on a line would make that line too high. I tried all kinds of adjustments in the @font-face but finally decided to follow my heart and buy a font. Or two. And then sheepishly admit it to my spouse the next morning. You are reading this in Valkyrie, and the headings areHermes Maia. I’m pretty happy with the result and I hope you are too. They are loaded from my server, to which the browser already has a TCP and TLS connection, so it would seem that the performance impact is minimal.

Part of getting performance was to inline my CSS file into the web pages produced by the blog software, allowing the browser to go ahead and lay things out as they should be without waiting on a chained secondary request to get the layout.

Finally, I did finally break down and teach my blog software’s marxdown parserabout “smart quotes” and em dashes and en dashes. I couldn’t make this post in good faith without it; “the guy yammers on about web design and not only is he not a designer, he uses ugly quotes”, &c, &c...

Finally finally, some recommendations: I really enjoyed reading Erik Spiekermann’s Stop Stealing Sheep, 4th ed.on typography and type, which led to a raft of book purchases. Eric Meyers and Estelle Weyl’s CSS: The Definitive Guide was very useful for figuring out what is possible with CSS and how to make it happen. It’s a guide, though, and is not very opinionated; you might find Matthew Butterick’s Practical Typography to be useful if you are looking for pretty-good opinions about what to make.

Onwards and upwards!

Launch of the TALER NGI PILOT

We are excited to announce the creation of an EU-funded consortium with the central objective to launch GNU Taler as a privacy-preserving payment system across Europe.

GitLab YAML Docker Registry client

Have you written a Docker Registry API client in GitLab CI/CD YAML? I have.
# Delete candidate image from CI repository.
stage: .post
- main

SCOPE: "repository:$CI_PROJECT_PATH"

- >
which jq >/dev/null
|| (sudo apt-get update
&& sudo apt-get -y install jq)

- echo "Deleting $CANDIDATE_IMAGE"
- >
TOKEN=$(curl -s
| jq -r .token)
- >
DIGEST=$(curl -s -I
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
-H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
| tr -d "\r"
| grep -i "^docker-content-digest: "
| sed "s/^[^:]*: *//")
- >
curl -s
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
"$REGISTRY_API/manifests/"$(echo $DIGEST | sed "s/:/%3A/g")